Monday, March 30, 2009

Urban Education... HELP ME! =:o

Last week I started my Pro-Sem for the next two weeks at a middle school in an urban area.   Considering I came from a rural school and I have no idea how to entertain those kids!  They always seem really bored.  They talk to each other all the time and they swear.  I also am very intimidated, not by them, but by the lives they are living.  They have gone through so much more than I ever went through or that any of my peers went through when I was even in high school.  So I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me?  Perhaps if you were in an urban setting for school or if you have friends/family who were you know something that they would like to do with social studies.  They just made posters, and they seemed to enjoy them, but I still think that there might be something that could work even better, though I don't know what that is.  

Jenna : ) 

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